Home » Linear Empty Bottle Inspection System

Linear Empty Bottle Inspection System

Linear Empty Bottle Inspection System

Modular inspection system, installed before the filler, to inspect the surfaces of empty bottles and jars made of either glass or PET. It checks that containers are in good condition and clean, free of foreign matter and liquid residues. The sidewall inspection The sidewalls are inspected to detect foreign matter, contaminants and breakage and to check the degree of scuffing. Two separate modules: the first one at the infeed also checks the profile of the bottle; the other one at the outfeed carries out a more complete check of the walls as the bottle is rotated inside the machine: the independent motorization of the belts allows the bottles to be rotated with a constant angle, irrespective of their diameter. New multi-camera system: enables the walls to be inspected with unprecedented quality and resolution, without using mirror systems. Residual Liquid Module This identifies bottles with residues of water in the bottom, by means of a special high-frequency sensor. It is particularly sensitive to small traces of caustic soda. A special bottle guide enables the maximum sensitivity to be obtained even with diameter variations in the bottles.

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